  1. Mach's Principle Could Save the Gravitons.H. -H. V. Borzeszkowski & H. J. Treder - 1998 - Apeiron 5:135.
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  2. Planckions and the early stage of the universe.H. H. V. Borzeszkowski & H. J. Treder - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (2):241-250.
    It is shown that, due to Rosenfeld's inequality relations, there is no possibility of defining states of the Friedmann universe in a physically sensible manner when the world radius becomes equal to or smaller than Planck's length.
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    On the covariant formulation of quantum mechanics.U. Kasper, E. Kreisel & H. J. Treder - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (5-6):375-389.
    We give picture-covariant formulations of the equations of motion for observables and states such that the Hamiltonian operator is transformed asH-0304;=U(t)HU † (t) under a time-dependent unitary transformationU(t). Next, we consider the explicit and implicit covariance of Heisenberg's equations of motion for observables with respect to general transformations of coordinate operators. Most of our representation is spread out over a number of textbooks and articles, where the subject has been considered with greater or lesser clarity from different points of view.
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    The planckions as largest elementary particles and as smallest test bodies.H. J. Treder - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (2):161-166.
    Planck's units define the limits of super GUT and also the possibilities of classical measurements. A “planckion'” is the largest ultrarelativistic elementary particle and also the smallest body that can serve as a classical standard.
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    On the Majorana equations and the rest mass of neutrinos.H. -H. von Borzeszkowski & H. J. Treder - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (2):193-199.
    As is well known, the law of parity conservation does not hold in weak interactions. This type of asymmetry created a number of theoretical problems which were solved, first of all, by a new understanding of the features of neutrinos and their role in weak interactions. These solutions were based, however, essentially on the handedness (chirality) of neutrinos which is closely related to their vanishing rest mass. The thesis of neutrinos with nonvanishing rest mass, newly considered in the literature, therefore (...)
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